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新加坡国家博物馆的“当我们同在一起:新加坡的游乐场(1930-2030)”展览,以新加坡游乐场的发展历史为叙述主线,将知识宣教与参与式体验相结合,其立意并不限于游乐场自身的形式与设计之变迁,而将游乐场作为一种公共空间和社群交往的媒介,呼唤新加坡人重建社区认同,并以之助力于国民性之塑造。它也使我们得以思考,国家与社会倡导的核心价值观融入展览制作的策略性方式。  相似文献   
Although research suggests that there is no meaningful real-world connection between crime rates and undocumented immigrants, media coverage of this group almost exclusively portrays them as criminals. The present two-study investigation experimentally tests the effects of exposure to crime news depicting undocumented immigrant suspects on White viewers’ social judgments. To this end, assumptions from social identity theory were applied to research and theorizing on mediated intergroup threat and compound penalties for immigrant criminality. Results from Study 1 and Study 2 indicate that when White viewers are exposed to threatening crime news featuring undocumented immigrants, out-group bias emerges in the form of harsher sentencing. In Study 1, when exposed to highly threatening coverage, attitudes toward immigration and in-group identification partially mediated and moderated this relationship, respectively.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of a single case study from a cooperation school in the Netherlands. A cooperation school is the result of a merger between a public and a denominational school. Pupils from secular and religious backgrounds meet in the classroom. This religious diversity in this school is explored by an empirical research study. The research question was how key values of the school and of its teachers are exerted in religious education. Content analysis of interviews and videos of the ‘moment of contemplation’ show that there is a discrepancy between the school values and the practice of this moment. Conclusions concerning a social and a substantive perspective are drawn in the light of theoretical insight concerning diversity in religious education.  相似文献   
《悉尼协议》以成果为导向而关注学生毕业达成度,倡导持续改进,实现服务“以学生为中心”的教育内涵与理念。专业建设要素与各地区工程教育专业认证协会认证范式不谋而合。把握培养目标设计的原则与关键点,进行三项课程设计的需求验证能较好地保障专业建设成效。在职业院校高水平专业建设的背景下,以“实质等效”和“持续改进”为理念指导,不以获得专业认证为终点才是促进中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设的可行举措。  相似文献   
In this article, we explore how two informal educational contexts—an aquarium and an after-school science program—enabled disenfranchised learners to adopt an identity as insiders to the world of science. We tell the stories of four youth, relating what doing science meant to them and how they positioned themselves in relation to science. We contribute to the extensive literature on the value of learning beyond the school walls, yet focus on ethnically and linguistically diverse youth from low-income backgrounds who have often been excluded from such settings. We suggest that such out-of-school settings are particularly important to youth who have few other opportunities to interact with and relate to science in positive ways.  相似文献   
在经济全球化和世界一体化的背景下,认同理论以其对"同一性"与"差异性"这个古老问题的再现而逐渐成为理论界关注的焦点,并且产生了广泛影响,但它存在原子主义、分裂主义等问题的事实也毋庸回避。承认理论可以看作是对它的扬弃。承认理论抛弃了单一主体的主体性思维方式,而把哲学根基转向多元的主体间性,从黑格尔到霍耐特的承认发展路线为我们展示了承认的一种路径。  相似文献   
对谭恩美作品的文化思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
这里从化批评的角度,分析了谭恩美作品中母女双方的处境,试图说明无论是母亲还是女儿,她们都是不平等权力下的性别“他”以及种族“他”。尽管母亲的“讲故事”策略使母女关系从对抗走向和解,从分裂走向融合,但在产际生活中,华裔难于为自己构筑起一个统一的身份,华裔女性也难于成为温妮为女儿珍珠(为所有华裔女性)建构的真正意义上的“莫愁女”。  相似文献   
为了提高组合web服务的设计和实现质量,使用形式化方法对其进行建模并对其关键性质进行验证.使用web服务接口控制流自动机(WCFA)对web服务进行建模,主要描述其控制流及与其他web服务的交互关系.组合web服务由一组交互的WCFA组成.使用嵌套字自动机(NWA)对组合web服务的整体行为进行建模.将一组WCFA转换为嵌套字自动机(NWA)的算法是深度优先搜索算法的变种,算法中使用路径相关的可达性分析计算NWA的每个节点的状态公式和调用栈.安全性相关性质、调用栈相关性质及服务调用的前置和后置条件都可以用断言来描述,然后使用一个自动的可满足性(SAT)求解工具对这些断言进行验证.  相似文献   
为了解决传统数字芯片验证环节中基于仿真的验证(或动态验证)功能覆盖率收敛速度慢的缺点,提出一种新的以功能覆盖为导向的测试用例生成方法,该方法基于贝叶斯网络和机器学习技术,可实现从覆盖模型到测试用例生成器反馈回路的自动关闭,在 DUT 的验证过程中,使用该方法为所测试的设计生成新的激励。实验结果表明,基于贝叶斯网络的 CDG 技术测试用例使用较少,覆盖率收敛更快,与传统基于仿真的验证技术相比,测试用例数量减少了 43%。基于贝叶斯网络的 比于传统动态验证技术而言其芯片功能验证更完善。  相似文献   
工程竣工结算系指施工企业按照合同规定的内容全部完成所承包的工程,经验收质量合格,并符合合同要求之后,向发包单位进行的最终工程款结算。经审查的工程竣工结算是核定建设工程造价的依据,也是建设项目竣工验收后编制竣工决算和核定新增固定资产价值的依据。工程竣工结算审核工作的质量好与坏,对整个建设项目工程造价的控制,起着关键的作用。  相似文献   
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